Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Spray on Tanning – Why I’m a Fan

Like many people I am concerned about my long-term health, but also conscious of my short term goals of keeping a nice appearance. I don’t want to jeopardize my long-term health for short term gains, but you could get hit by a bus tomorrow so you want to enjoy yourself in the short term as well. This is why I like spray on tanning. It doesn’t have the established long term health risks of skin cancer associated with UV and real sunlight tanning, but it gives you the short term (and very quick) benefit of getting a golden brown tan very quickly.

Sure you can use fake tan but this won’t give you the same sort of results at all, and at best you’ll be left with a streaky tan that will leave your clothes stained and you not smelling too great. You can get a good spray tan at your local beauty salon so I highly recommend that you check it out as a great way to get a great tan. Self tanning is easy when you know how too, but a professionally done spray tan will do wonders for your sex appeal.

Mobile Spray Tanning

If your local area doesn’t have beauty salon, or the nearest one is very far away, then it is worth looking for a mobile spray tanning company. If you can get a few friends and co-workers together then you can make it a viable option for a mobile spray tanner to come out and give you all a great tan. This is certainly something worth considering as spray tanning is a much healthier alternative to lying out in the sun for hours or purchasing your own tanning bed for home use. You could of course use fake tan at home but this doesn’t give the same great results that a spray tan can.

Spray Tanning Equipment Overview

Have you ever wondered what the main types of spray tanning equipment are? There are two main methods used to apply spray tan, and these are as follows:

1. Spray Tan Machine / Booth
This is a booth large enough for you to stand in, and it has jets positioned at strategic angles all around it to enable an even and through coverage of all your body. These are the most common types of equipment and the most cost effective to get the best tans for the salons customers.

2. Airbrush Tanning By Hand
This uses solution powered by compressed air spread through a hose than enables the jet to be moved over the body. This will be applied by trained beauty therapists and the movement enabled by the airbrush hand tanning equipment means they can get a visual check to make sure that you are getting an even coverage and also make sure that the tan gets in to all the contours of your body. This is more intrusive as you will pretty much have to stand naked in front of someone, but you will get great results. Don’t be shy they have seen it all before.

What it’s like in a Spray Tanning Machine

There are various different types of spray tanning machine, but they usually act in the same way, spraying jets of the spray tan solution on to you in a fine mist which ensures a more even and less streaky covering. You will wear googles and perhaps a plastic hat to protect your hair. Some tanning salons allow you to go in naked, whilst others would prefer you to wear trunks or similar. The staff at your local booth will be able to tell you exactly what you need to do.

Spray tan machines are actually quite spacious inside so you shouldn’t feel trapped, and the treatment only lasts a few minutes anyway. Once the mist has been sprayed a few times and you have an even covering you need to make sure that the solution has dried fully before you then have a shower and put your clothes back on. It will take a few days for your tan to come through and it will develop gradually overtime, but with a spray tan you’ll be more sure to get an even tan that will last for a few weeks and you can be proud of.

Spray Tanning Experience

Today I went for another spray tan. I'm getting really fond of the color that it gives me and the confidence having a darker more healthy looking skin affords me makes a big difference both at work and socially. Spray tanning is far more healthy than baking for hours in the sun or standing in a tanning booth. Recently scientific studies have confirmed what was already believed, that UV tanning is not good for you and leads in increased likelihood of skin cancer.

The great thing about getting a spray tan is that you can have a bit of control over the how deep the color you get is, and there is the added bonus of the moisturising effects of the tanning lotion. I think that getting a spray tan is far better than going using fake tan as you are far less likely to get streaks on your skin and the results tend to last longer as well. If you ever go and get a spray tan make sure you follow the instructions carefully when you are inside the spray tanning machine or you could find yourself ending up with an very dark tan on one side and none on the other if you do something like Ross did in friends!